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Two garages are sitting next to each other in a gravel driveway.
12 Apr, 2024
What Is a Tar-and-Chip Driveway? Should i surface my driveway in Hot Tar & Chip? Hot tar & chip is an excellent driveway dress coat surface choice for your driveway. It's quick to install, easy simple to process & more affordable than other surfaces like resin bound or tarmac. When your driveway or private lane needs repair due to damage, a tar and chip driveway, also known as tar and bonded gravel, offers an affordable solution. Hot tar and chip surfacing is ideal for restoring old surfaces, especially if you want to make your property look smart quickly and affordable then hot tar & chip is ideal be for you. It looks fantastic and helps keep your home looking clean & smart. Hot tar & grit is also a great investment to smarten your driveway up quickly before selling your property. Most Hot tar & chip driveways can be completed easily in one day of work if surfacing only. Obviously if your driveway needs a lot of preparation works before surfacing like excavating or installing edges then it can average 2-4 car parking driveway would take 3 days work. As said above hot tat & chip provides a cost-effective way to rejuvenate your property's value. This method can easily be applied over existing driveways like an old tar and chip driveway or old Tarmac driveway, block paving, or concrete after some necessary preparations. Revitalize your driveway or private road with hot tar and chip, no matter the current surface material. If anyone is wondering if hot tar & chip is so great, then why is it so affordable? It's because Hot Tar & Chip is a surface dresser so unlike most other driveway options like resin bound that normally needs a new driveway full excavation to construct a new driveway sub base, Hot tar & chip is a surface dresser that is applied on top of an existing surface like tarmac or concrete etc. As long as the existing surface is structurally sound then normally we would just use a commercial power leaf blower and power brush to clean the existing surface before we apply the hot tar & chip. Tar & Chip on completion is normally 1 inch in depth or 15-25mm depth on completion compared to tarmac that is laid on average 60mm in depth ontop of type 1 or 30-35mm in depth if applying only a top coat of tarmac on-top of a base tarmac which should be anywhere from 60-100mm in depth for a domestic driveway. Tar and chip driveways, also known as Tar & Grit, Hot tar & bonded gravel, or Tar & Gravel driveways, are a charming and cost-effective way to enhance your driveway and give your vehicles a smooth surface. Hot tar and Chip surfacing is a superb option for your surfacing needs. This type of material is frequently used on driveways, private lanes, and surfacing roads. Ideal for country settings, tar and chip surfacing is particularly beneficial for large driveways and private lanes, offering both a secure footing and an evocative crunching sound when traversed. It is a fantastic choice for modern properties looking to blend security and aesthetics seamlessly. How is Hot Tar & Chip applied? Tar-and-chip pavement may resemble a gravel surface at first glance, but it has a unique installation process. The method involves applying a hot layer of liquid tar to the surface then spread chippings over the hot tar. The Chippings are normally 6-14mm chipping's in size. These chippings are then rolled using a power roller to securely bond them to the liquid tar, leaving around 30% loose on the top layer. Depending on the condition of the pre-existing surface, the application of Tar & Chip can be done with either one or two coats. For surfaces with loose stones like type 1, it is essential to use two coats of hot liquid tar and gravel. Conversely, a solid Tarmac surface typically requires only one coat of hot tar and chip. Tar and chip driveways, which use liquid Tar and stone, are a less expensive alternative to an asphalt/Tarmac driveway. Driveways made of tar and chips have a natural stone appearance and are far more stable than gravel driveways. Usually, hot tar and chip are available in two color options: golden or grey granite. Is a Tar-and-Chip Driveway Right for You? If you seek a casual and budget-friendly paving solution, tar-and-chip pavement might just be the ideal choice for you. Allow us to assist you in making your decision by outlining the reasons why Tar and Chip could be the optimal selection for you. Design and Appearance Tar-and-chip driveways have a distinctly rural appearance. They work well in rural areas or unstructured environments. Tar and chip can be a good paving material for areas with long driveways because they are cost effective. Tar and chip driveways have a top layer consisting of washed gravel, giving them the appearance of gravel walkways at first glance. Chances are, you have driven on one before. The bitumen layer beneath the crushed stone surface offers excellent cushioned traction for vehicles. Tar & Chip Traction Tar and chip driveways are comparable to asphalt in terms of surface traction, except from their capacity to support larger loads. When you utilize tar and chip as the substance, you can anticipate an automobile gliding that is free of bumps. Tar & Chip, Convenience and Comfort The tar-and-chip paving's roughness improves traction on slippery or snow-covered surfaces. Compared to tar and chip, asphalt and concrete are both more slick. Tar & Chip Maintenance and Repairs Tar & Chip is simple to repair damages, from oil or wear & tear. Tar-and-chip driveways demand minimal upkeep, requiring less sealing compared to asphalt. Typically, small cracks tend to mend on their own. The rejuvenation process of the surface involves adding additional hot bitumen and loose stone approximately every ten years. In the winter, snowplows must exercise caution to avoid scraping the rough surface of the tar-and-chip paving. Opting for a shovel or snow blower over a plow is recommended, ensuring the blade hovers slightly above the surface during maintenance. During the warmer seasons, the thinner layers of chip will melt, naturally repairing cracks and fractures present on the surface. For comprehensive repair, ensuring an even level or adding "tar" as needed, along with a fresh layer of chip is advised. Installation of Hot Tar-and-chip Most hard surfaces, such as tarmac, an ancient tar and chip driveway, concrete, etc., are laid with tar and chip if they are in good shape. Tar and chip can be set on old tar and chip, but it cannot be laid on loose gravel. To prepare the surface, you must first sweep away any loose stones and dust. Constructing a tar-and-chip driveway is a simple process. Initially, a newly compacted type 1 or tarmac, concrete solid base is laid down. Next, a hot liquid tar is sprayed over this foundation on a dust-free surface. Following this, washed chippings are evenly distributed over the liquid tar, with additional gravel added and rolled into the bitumen to form the final Hot Tar & Bonded Gravel surface. You have the freedom to customize the appearance of your driveway by selecting the stones for the top layer. There is a wide range of colors available, allowing you to create a unique and visually appealing surface. Although, Typically, granite, grey granite, or golden washed limestone chippings are commonly chosen due to their affordability and availability. While decorative gravel purchased in bulk bags may be pricier, opting for loose golden or grey gravel from a loading bucket is a more cost-effective alternative. As long as the driveway materials are in reasonable condition, tar-and-chip can be applied over them. After installing your tar and chip drive, you should wait 48 hours before allowing foot traffic to allow the surface to dry. It's best to wait a week before parking your car on your new driveway because the tar may only be fully cured after that time. Given that tar and chip driveways are not as common as asphalt or gravel driveways, it can be difficult to locate experienced tar and chip driveway installers. At Ashdown Driveway Surfacing, our specialty lies in Hot Tar & Bonded gravel surfacing/Hot tar & chip. Before hiring a local tradesperson, conduct your research and check internet evaluations and testimonies. Companies that specialize in asphalt installation may not specialize in chip sealing. Do I need drainage for a driveway made of tar and chips? Tar and chip surfaces do not naturally allow water to pass through, thus it is important to plan for adequate drainage when installing a chip driveway. To achieve proper drainage, it is recommended to avoid applying hot tar to the edges, allowing water to flow through the gravel and into the soil. This method ensures that the appearance of the surface remains consistent, whether coated with tar or gravel, while effectively managing water drainage. What is the Best Weather to Install Tar and chip? Tar & Gravel driveways require favorable weather for installation, with warm and dry conditions being ideal. In cooler weather, the asphalt may cool too rapidly, affecting the gravel's adhesion. Rain can wash away emulsified asphalt before it sets, so it's crucial to apply tar & chip on a dry, mild day to prevent this. Conclusion Choosing to invest in Tar & Chip is a smart decision due to its exceptional affordability and the considerable benefits it provides, which can enhance the value of your property. Aesthetically pleasing, cost-effective, and simple to apply. Hot Tar & Chip is truly invaluable. 
A gravel driveway leading to a wooden garage
By Tommy Bonnet 29 Nov, 2022
UNDERSTANDING DIFFERENT FRONT DRIVEWAY IDEAS AND TYPES Resin-bound driveways, or closely related resin-bonded driveways, are an enduring favourite because they offer a variety of shades and flexibility. Resin driveways can be easily accessed and maintained by the road. They can also quickly crack if the surfaces are not inspected and the surface will move. When problems arise, they are difficult to resolve. India stone walkways are becoming incredibly widespread too, offering a beautiful natural stone look, in dozens of colours and designs. Nevertheless, sizing is limited in colors and its power is low. Like block paving, the flag may wobble, become loose, or sprout weeds from there. Gravel Driveways Gravel driveways consist simply from a rock / clay mixture larger than a grain of sand but less dense than cobbles. The gravel's looseness allows for easy compacting into sturdy, stable shapes. Similar to asphalt, the product is relatively inexpensive for a lot less money. Despite asphalt and other options, gravel driveways are durable, provided you maintain their quality. Maintenance is relatively inexpensive, without the use of any equipment. Gravel is well known for giving homes an attractive and natural look, particularly because using different bases can produce different colours. In natural settings, warm colors of paving can make a house appear attractive to buyers. Gravel driveways also compact well – less initial work for you. However, they don't look as polished as paved driveways. Although gravel "may need to be replaced frequently based on various environmental factors," it "appeals to homeowners who are looking for a more traditional, authentic style driveway." Gravel will eventually develop potholes and weeds, and if you live in an area with snow in the winters, cleaning may be more challenging than with paved gravel. If you use permeable gravel, gravel driveways are a great choice if flooding is an issue. Designing the driveway In terms of design and structure of the driveway you have quite varying options. In such cases the driveway design work will involve choosing materials and landscaping. For a larger space, a half-million driveway with gate entrance and exit gives you more space for parking and allows for softer planting along its edges. Long straight streets with angled sides will look attractive and formal, particularly when lined with a clipper topiary. In a country house, curved driveways with cottage plants will look natural. Placements. Brick Pavers Driveways Pavers have shaped stones that connect as tiles. Pavement driveways have paved edges. Each material has its pros and cons. Paving generally provides cleaner aesthetics and natural leveling solutions significantly easier for cleaning and maintaining than other loose driveway materials. The small shape allows for easy construction to accommodate slopes or uneven surfaces; it feels much more comfortable to walk than alternative materials such as gravel. Pavers tend to be much less slippery than concrete and provide better control in areas where the driveway is sloped. Brick driveway has long been a favorite for plenty of homeowners and businesses alike. The fact is that brick driveways exude a certain level of class. It's easy to see why; brick comes in a variety of colors and can be customized in such a way that it's unlike virtually any other driveway made of the same composition. Asphalt roads Asphalt may not have the aesthetic appeal of concrete but if you have a larger driveway, it is one of the most cost-effective and quickly setting solutions out there. Another relatively simple option to install at a less costly cost than some of the options listed above. Asphalt can remain cheaper than concrete no matter how many times you use basic asphalt in molded forms such. Another key characteristic of asphalt is its easy driving ability when installed. It is very weatherproof too and expands and contracts in hot and cold without any problems. Asphalt requires less maintenance than concrete. Cracks can be filled quickly, but sometimes you need a few more. The durability of the material is less than that for concrete. Tarmac and asphalt Tarmac is considered an environmentally sensitive driveway material and is inexpensive, durable and lasts approximately 15 years without need for maintenance or repairs. However, there are environmental considerations which are important for anyone interested in sustainable gardening. High temperatures can create tarmac or asphalt that releases dangerous chemical pollutants into the atmosphere which is important. These emissions are likely to remain long after the construction of tarmac or asphalt. Permeable Block Paver Driveways Pro's This provides an elegant look with easy maintenance. The interior has many color choices and designs that will complement any home interior. When a paver is broken it'll be easily replaced without re-using it. Construction on an individually constructed driveway takes longer than most other materials. Cons: Besides professional layover, this option has more costs if you consider other alternatives. Costs: Expect to have to spend more than £30/metre for this finishing without installation. Natural stone costs more, and porcelain systems are at the high end of market. However, using hybrid porcelain systems can bring the outlay down significantly even against permeable paving. 'A hidden cost will be any drainage that needs to be installed separately - which will include digging out, installation and providing a runoff for water to drain away.Unless you are using permeable block paving, one of the downside to this form of paving is that in the majority of cases you'll need to install drainage. This usually involves linear drains and a soakaway, which can add significant cost to your driveway installation. Which material is best for a driveway? Installing an asphalt road can be done with ease without any plant. Your driveways must reflect the exterior and the walls of your home also — this will impact material color and darker shades can fit contemporary and traditional properties and can help conceal contaminated oil slick. The combination of complementary materials will enhance the appearance of the driveway, particularly if the facade of the residence is minimal. Generally, the exterior of your home should be plain and streamlined. Cobblestone Driveways Several people think of the cobblestone as just another type of pavers driveway but their distinctive style and feel are so unique that they deserve a distinct entrance with their own advantages and cons. Its appearance is an impressive pro in itself for most homeowners. This doesn't mean cobblestones have no aesthetic features in common. They are durable and often require little to no maintenance. Cobblestone has a very high value too, and adds value to a building. The look of cobblestone, distinctly old world and traditional, is a huge pro in and of itself for many homeowners. That's not to say that aesthetics is all that cobblestones have going for them. They can last for decades with the right maintenance, which often involves little but washing them and occasionally replacing a cracked cobble. Cobblestone is highly valued, too, and can add real value to a property. Like concrete pavers, cost is going to be a major consideration when looking at cobblestone driveways. Permeable Tarmac Driveways Pros These products can be used as the perfect paving solution for driveways at an affordable price point. This high-quality sealant is an inexpensive option, although it does naturally decrease the permeability allowing a service life of about 20 years. Cons While the standard dark grey hue can be coloured differently, it has less space for transformations in the design statement. Tarmac Driveways Generally, it's called "Macadam". They can be easily recognised and consist from hot tart on an oiled stone base. Flat, even flexible surface is very efficient costing more than asphalt. A bit less expensive to maintain, tarmac will require only temporary replacement of loose stones. This material can withstand extreme heat and low temperatures easily. How can I improve my driveway? The design of your new driveway will be huge, but your needs will vary depending upon the area you're in, the amount of work required as well as the material used, and how much time it will take. Andrew Gill from Brett Paving says it's also important to consider how many hours are needed to get it installed. Resin-covered roads and contemporary auto-builds designed by David James Architects are currently under development. You can add interest to a small driveway with a wide choice of coloured and textured resins , decorative clay paving materials , or with your own block paving patterns . Straight driveways are also great if you have a very large distance between your home and the road. It's a very practical solution but one that creates a fantastic eye line to your home. What you need to consider What is the price for driveway replacement? This is a very significant aspect. Cost for driveways vary by various factors such as the type of material and the dimensions of the driveway. Despite the costs, the house could add additional value. Certain materials driveways can add significant curb appeal or worth. While it can be tempting to choose a cheaper driveway surface you should consider several driveway designs. If you live in the UK and want to build a new driveway of any size, you don't need to get planning permission if the surface is permeable or porous and allows water to drain through, like gravel, permeable concrete block paving, or porous asphalt, or if the rainwater is directed to a lawn or border to naturally drain. A variety of colours are available and you can also choose from permeable and impermeable solutions, depending on your drainage requirements. It is fairly low maintenance, too, with the occasional jet wash required for upkeep. Resin bound driveway Resin bound driveways have become a popular choice for homeowners as per the website HMS Specialist Surfacing. Resin bound driveways are a surface solution using resin mixed in with a slurry. The hand trowels can be placed on a new base. Resin lined pavering has incredibly strong wear. If you can find the right contractor and you have a larger driveway that isn't in a snow climate, tarmac might be the right solution for you. Requiring no sealant or extra work, they are relatively cheap and easy to install. Resin Driveways A Resin bound driveway is a combination of your choice of construction aggregate, such as gravel or stone, mixed with Polyurethane resin. Asphalt may not have the aesthetic appeal of concrete but if you have a larger driveway, it is one of the most cost-effective and quickly setting solutions out there. Most resin bound aggregates are made from natural materials. Style-wise, resin-bound driveways come in a range of colors and designs to suit your specific requirements. You can choose from solid or mixed colors. In terms of cost, these types of driveways aren't too expensive, however you will need to factor in the cost of preparing a base. Resin-bound driveways are water permeable. But they can easily crack if not prepared correctly, and the top surface can move or lift up. It's hard to repair if a problem does develop. Concrete Driveway Concrete is considered to be the most popular type for a number of reasons. Chief among these is the fact that it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to install. Furthermore, you don't have to worry about its durability. It's made to last. Concrete also offers some flexibility in its appearance. While it may be tempting to opt for the cheapest driveway surface, it is important to consider several driveway ideas before deciding what is best for you. Try to ensure that the look of your driveway fits in with the aesthetics of your property by considering the various driveway surfaces to choose from, but bear in mind that the more extravagant driveway materials can also be more labour intensive, potentially pushing prospective driveway prices up! While some consider cobblestone to simply be another kind of paver driveway, they have such a distinct look and feel that they deserve their own entry, their own pros and their own cons. The look of cobblestone, distinctly old world and traditional, is a huge pro in and of itself for many homeowners. Concrete also offers some flexibility in its appearance. It can be stamped or dyed to change the color, texture, or richness. Many people even augment it to make it look more expensive. While concrete is definitely known for its durability, concrete does have a main drawback. Concrete can be affected by extremely cold weather. While most homes in this area should be fine, it can be a concern. As with any type of driveway, concrete does have some downsides – it could crack and isn't water permeable – but a good driveway company will take care of that. For example, we include all the necessary expansions joints and drainage requirements in our installation. Pattern imprinted concrete driveways (also known as decorative or stamped concrete ) gives you a long-lasting, extremely strong surface that can hold heavy weights and requires very little maintenance. One of the best things about pattern imprinted concrete is that it offers so many different ideas for your new driveway, with the biggest range of patterns, colours, designs and styles to choose from. Block paving driveways Individual flags can wobble, become loose or sprout weeds in between then. Block paving driveways such as flags and slabs, or small concrete blocks, are a popular choice for many homeowners, but certain patterns require precise laying which increases installation costs so perhaps not the best idea for your driveway if you're on a budget. Many flagged driveways are quite bland, as attractive options cost more money. They can also attract moss and algae easily, requiring more regular cleaning. Curved driveways Whatever reason you have for wanting a curved driveway you'll want to make sure that it is maneuverable for all types of vehicles, from compact cars to large delivery trucks. Broad sweeping curves are the easiest to navigate and look the best. Additionally, you want to avoid placing curves too close to the street or house. Gravel driveway Gravel is a rocky surface that has always been a mainstay due to its expensive material. Since it's readily available, you can expect to save a good amount of coin and headache involved in installation costs.
A garden with lots of plants in it and a red house in the background.
By Tommy Bonnet 21 Nov, 2022
The winter months can be very dangerous. If golden leaves are coming back it would be wise to cover soft plants, place containers on top and cover mulch for additional frost protection. Fall is here, and with it comes the inevitable slowing of activity in the garden. Depending on your location, perennials may be blushing with color or starting to drop their leaves. After the rush of spring planting and the peak of summer's harvest, it's tempting to shut the garden gate and let nature take its course. Annual vegetables are nearing the end of their lifespan and are starting to succumb to the nip of successively heavier frosts. Prune perennials with care. Fall is a good time to trim some perennial garden plants, though take care to ensure you choose the right ones. Although plants like fennel benefit from a fall pruning, research shows that spent raspberry canes continue to nourish the plant's crown into the winter. Blueberries also prefer a spring pruning, which helps safeguard the plant from exposure to disease and stress. Clean and sharpen tools Although the majority of gardeners know to clean and maintain all equipment during the year, it is hard to keep up with this during full-time gardening. Fall has been the perfect time to renew your equipment's life. Give it attention. Start off with a clean of the tools for removal. When corrosion is detected, wipe with sand paper or wire. Sharpen hammers and shovel blades using the basic milling files. A whet stone is useful in trimming. Let your tools be cleaned by applying oiled rags coated in soft machine oil. It protects your equipment from air pollution and prolongs its lifespan. Divide and plant bulbs While spring bulbs are now blooming and dead, other flowering bulbs such as lilies bloom earlier in the year. Three or four weeks after the spectacular show, the time for planting was ripe for removing clumps and stragglies from plant beds during the growing seasons. In Spring Bulbs there may be some guesswork needed to locate them. The other species is evident. Take four to eight inches of the plants growing stalks and carefully loosen up the soil. Lift the bulbs slowly and separate the bulbs that will be transplanted elsewhere on the plant. It's time to plant a new plant. Plant cover crops Late summer or early fall are good times when sowing cover crops such as rye, vegetable seeds or clover. It helps prevent soil erosion by breaking down clumps and increasing the organic content of plants and soil. Covers provide nutrition in the soil and helps the soil absorb carbon. Planting legume crops in gardens like clover and pea can enhance your availability of nitrogen for vegetable garden plants. Although general guidelines suggest planting cover plants at least one month after your first frost many cover crops will have harder growth. Plant cover crops. In many climates, late summer or early fall is a good time to sow cover crops like rye, vetch or clover. These crops help prevent soil erosion, break up compacted areas and increase levels of organic matter in garden beds. Cover crops also add nutrients and help your soil draw carbon into the soil from the atmosphere. Simply cover your garden beds with a thick layer of organic material and it will help perennials endure repeated freezes and thaws, while also reducing soil erosion that can commonly follow heavy rain during wet months. Harvest and regenerate your compost The heat of Summer ends. When the microbes settle for their winter nap, they may have been inclined to ignore the compost pile. It's another missed opportunity. The compost that was gathered in the Summer was probably done and ready for transport by then. Using it for gardening, soil amendment or lawn maintenance can nourish your soil and increase your lawn's growth in spring time. Second, the clean up of compost means leaving a second batch that will — in most places — protect against the winter chills. eep late-harvest veggies One thing to remember about vegetable gardens is not to be too quick to clear out broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale, because they not only tolerate a light frost, but they get a little sweeter because of it. They can sometimes be harvested well into winter. Review the plants in your garden and assess your growing season Do you have a garden that produces fruits and veggies? It's time for you to look at underperforming plants. If your crops perform well, you may want to extend harvesting and add new species that ripen sooner or later during the season. Take notes of vegetable success in the future to know what did not work. Some seasons' success may be blamed on weather, while others can be attributed to yourself. The soil fertility level and placement of plants can all be adjusted. Prune perennials with care Fall can be an ideal time to trim some of your plants. Although plants such as Fennel need trimming during the fall, research suggests discarded cane berries will continue to nourish its crown in the winter. Blueberry's also favor a spring prune as a precaution that protects against diseases and stresses. Focus autumn pruning on floral blooms and rhubarb. Blackberries benefit from autumn cleaning. Removing the canes and tucking canes reduce the plants' spread. Restore mulch Mulching winter has several advantages compared to summer mulching. It is also important to reduce water losses to reduce erosion and inhibit weeds. Winter mulch also provides many benefits as it transitions to a warmer climate. Add mulch to the soil surface helps control soil heat and moisture. Besides protecting your plants from harsh frost and prolonging their growth, mulch around your root vegetable leaves for fall and winter harvests is also recommended. Add mulch From garden compost to shredded bark, many tender plants will benefit from mulch over their roots for added protection in winter. Simply cover your garden beds with a thick layer of organic material and it will help perennials endure repeated freezes and thaws, while also reducing soil erosion that can commonly follow heavy rain during wet months. Amend your soil for spring While most people reserve the activity for Spring, fall provides great opportunity for adding amendments like manure or compost or organic fertilizers such as bone meal, kelp or rock phosphates. Often times, when a soil is enriched and nutrient dense, it's able to break down and become biologically active. Amend soil to make the new soil easier for people to use in the busy months. Clean up diseased plants. Leave the rest in place Many spent plant parts can be discarded to decay and add nutrients, but many contain disease, pest and fungus. It's time to remove any disease signs during the growth season. Those remaining crop residues will provide soil protection and help prevent soil erosion during Winter. They are also home of overwintering pollinators. Remove spent or crossing canes to help control the plant's vigorous spread. Resist the urge to cut back your perennial flowering plants, particularly those covered in seed heads. These will make excellent meals for overwintering birds in your neighborhood and add interest to the winter garden. Stalks and leaves also provide winter protection for a plant's tender crowns. Remove invasive weeds that may have taken hold during the growing season Have I ever heard about bindiweed? Is the Himalaya Blackberry invasive on the landscapes? We must confront this renegade now. Dig into the trash or cover with sand or mulch. Invasive weeds remain viable in compost heaps. Eliminating invasive plants is a good solution if it can't be removed. Add windbreaks A strong wind may damage weeds, distorting them from forming. Windbreak or Shelterbelt is a semipermeable barrier designed to protect the young and the weakest plants from wind gusts. A strategically placed windbreak with fleece mesh also assists in insulating them. Improve drainage Water-contaminated soil can cause the roots to become damaged as well reducing their oxygen levels, which cause the trees to die, explains Martine. Tips for Preparing Your Garden for Winter What's the best way to winterize your garden? How can you winterize your garden? How to keep vegetables and herb plants healthy during the winter months? If you have a compost bin, just before winter is the best time to harvest and use what you've created. Once summer is over, your compost bin has likely created a batch of nutrient-rich soil that's ready to use. Plus, your plants, trees and shrubs will love the extra nourishment just before the cold weather kicks in. To prepare your garden for winter, use up the compost in your bin for things like sowing grass seeds and topping up the soil in your flowerbeds. Wood fencing only needs to be about 5 feet high to be effective, which meets most municipal fencing height codes. Wood fencing is more aesthetically pleasing, offers privacy, and can be customized to compliment your outdoor space and the architecture of your home. There are many ready-made repellants that deter deer because of their unpleasant order. However, repellants are only effective if you consistently reapply them, especially after rain. Garden tidy up So when should you prepare your garden for winter? Well, as November turns into December, clearing debris and getting your garden looking as tidy as possible is important. Remove all unwanted matter to your compost heap, cut back perennial plants to soil level and ensure that your potting shed is in order. However, soil will appreciate being left alone as it needs protection from the ravages of winter – over-digging can remove all of the natural decay that will have helped form a protective top layer.
A gravel driveway with trees in the background.
By Tommy Bonnet 06 Nov, 2022
How much value does a driveway add to a house? In Britain the numbers of automobiles have doubled in just a year since World War II. It seems no surprise to most buyers that parking is an extremely difficult thing for a property and in the end it would be very expensive. Is the driveway gaining value for homes or businesses? Does this investment make any sense? What if I sell my home now instead of waiting until the driveways were put in place? Does a new driveway add value to a house? The driveway is incredibly important and many factors must be considered. You should be looking at what the cost of a new driveway will be compared to the existing driveway. If the garage has been replaced then maybe you should also consider the value it brings for you. How much value does a driveway add to a house if you have space for multiple cars? Two-car households are uncommon within England. A new estimate shows an increase of about 2% in households with at least one car. The automobile market likewise grew. This merely means there should always be a need for buyers looking for homes that can easily fit multiple automobiles on the road. If you had enough room to park multiple vehicles, the house's value would be ten percent higher. Again, everything depends on the place. The possibility of having an additional driveway is a big plus for a family that owns 2 car cars and has fewer restrictions. Driveway types that add the most value Asphalt, concrete driveways can increase home value most easily. Basically, they're built of very strong and robust material. These are capable of resisting the elements without need of maintenance. The best drainage can stop floods and damage to the house or driveway itself. This driveway however doesn't make much sense with no kerbs to be removed. What about dropping a kerb for better re-use? Is there any evidence that the traffic levels are increasing year by year? Over 42,000 applications have already been received in 2015. Why it can be difficult selling a house without a driveway? The absence of an entranceway can discourage potential buyers. While postal codes are a bigger problem some insurance companies will sometimes give drivers a discount if they can park off the street. This makes driveways attractive for drivers searching for homes. Homebuyers have an extremely unanimous opinion on the importance of parking outside the city, with 87% saying they would never consider buying homes without an outside driveway or a lot. Tell me the expected return on investment? When considering the returns on investment, you should take into consideration how much you'll pay out. Whether undergoing a refit or transforming your loft or bathroom renovations to improve value for your investment property, they must clearly become a priority. The exact size of your home and your location will also vary. Having driveways on your property can cause you a lot less of an appealing property. If they can’t, adding a walkway would be very beneficial but would likely have a negative effect on your front garden. Driveway types that decrease your property's value There are five types of driveways. Both have advantages and disadvantages. However no driveway will affect the property's value. This quality affects final prices. Typically an asphalt road without drainage can be very dangerous to the owner. Bad drainage leads to flooding. Driveways in deteriorated condition may be detrimental to a property, causing costly repair work to be necessary. Do driveways add value in the UK? A house upgrade is advisable only when it requires a particular feature in a particular market. If driveways really do affect sales, putting them in your front yard can increase your house's value. With restricted parking in cities throughout the UK, many buyers are looking for houses with dedicated parking space. This feature is now regarded as a requirement in the industry. Many homeowners prefer homes with paved pathways. Homeowner permits are a free option. Are driveways a good investment? When evaluating home renovations it is important that they be viewed as monetary investments. We've compiled a list of cheaper ways to make money from your house. Construction on driveways can be costly. Before you do that you must find out if that asset will boost value. For doing that correctly, you have to be aware of future events. Home buyers in Britain prefer homes with no off-road parking. It says the number of licensed vehicles is more than 38million. How does a driveway increase your property value? Most homeowners would say it's better not to park in an open road. There are two main reasons. Driveways can offer supplementary advantages like reduced insurance premiums and significantly less damage to your vehicle than parking outside the road. A new survey has indicated potential home purchasers are able to decide upon a property within 30 seconds of viewing. How much does a driveway cost? Costs are dependent upon several factors and will vary based around your particular circumstances. Cost factoring includes: The current surface type of the surface is critical because the soil must be prepared before a driveway is installed. Tell me the most popular driveway surface? It's essential to decide which driveway you want. This list of the most common options: every kind of option carries its pros. It will be a nice driveway that will last for years. The Different Types of Driveway You have to start with a selection of driveways. When deciding if you want an existing driveway there will also be various materials to use in this area such as: Block paving and cobblestones are also known to be very long-lasting and quite easy to maintain. If any pavers come loose, they can be easily repaired or replaced in small patches. Durability is another plus point for potential buyers, along with low maintenance. A good concrete driveway can have a lifespan of 30 years or more without maintenance. Concrete driveways were once one of the most popular types but have fallen out of fashion in recent years, as more visually attractive driveway materials such as block paving. Asphalt driveway value Asphalt or tarmac driveways are quite cheap and quick to lay, and they can be a handy option if you need a basic solid flat surface without much fuss. In short, they provide a uniform appearance and can be a good short-term solution. Gravel driveways are also good from a security perspective. Many people like them because they aren't permanent, unlike tarmac or concrete, so you could choose a different driveway later on. You'll need to find a way to manage the stones, so they don't end up all over the street, and gravel driveways are no use at all on sloping sites. In terms of adding value to your property, gravel is a pretty decent option. You won't spend much on it, there aren't any worries about durability and it can be aesthetically pleasing to buyers. asphalt driveways are cheap to install but don't score too highly on looks or longevity. This can affect how much value they add to your property, and how appealing your home will be to potential buyers. There are a huge range of options available when it comes to choosing the finish of your driveway, from block paving to concrete and asphalt. Some are much cheaper to have laid, but may require more maintenance in the long run. · Size Unsurprisingly, size will also affect the final price, with larger driveways requiring more materials and additional labour costs.
A house with a driveway and a traffic cone in front of it with black tarmac driveway.
By Tommy Bonnet 31 Oct, 2022
What are the rules for a new driveway? Do you need planning permission for a driveway? If the driveway needs planning permission the specific circumstances are different. Generally, if a driveway is part of a new construction project, the details of that driveway will be included in the new house planning application. But in some cases planning permissions for driveways can be obtained without having to be granted, because it is permitted to build the property. Planning approval is already granted, so your driveway project can proceed unaffected. There are several situations where permitting development does not work in certain instances. Driveway legislation Driveway regulations help prevent floods from happening. All roads over 5 meter must provide a drainage system to allow water to flow through permeable areas. In this case the plans must be approved by the planning department. As Britain gets plenty of rain the problems could result in flooding caused by the drainage system of streets. However there are many environmentally friendly drainage solutions which suit all households and budgets. The following article outlines two ways of complying with driveway legislation. The new driveway rules are likely to include restrictions on solid paved driveways in favour of green spaces. The Government is also considering creating ponds to allow water to soak into the ground rather than running off an impermeable driveway and into drains, where it can put pressure on sewage systems. The government is considering new rules that could require homeowners to have sustainable drainage as part of their plan to clean up waterways. A green light could lead to more green spaces at new developments and the end of large scale paving. Solid paved driveways do not allow water to soak into the ground and rely on drains instead. But this excess water can have a knock on effect on sewage systems , causing them to overflow and lead to drainage issues for the area and its surroundings. When you will need planning permission There's no planning permit to install a car driveway. In some situations it is necessary to file a permit before you begin your driveway project. This situation may apply: If your driveway covers five square meters or does not have a permeable surface. This occurs since flood risk increases with surface area. In other words, you may want permeability on your driveway instead. Consult Infiltration pavers. When changing visibility. These may include the elimination or installation of trees, walls or gate. We've highlighted the details within the legislation, to make the process of introducing a driveway to your own home as simple and stress-free as possible. When you will need to seek planning permission If you are looking to cover a front garden with watertight material on an area of over 5 square metres, you will need to seek planning permission beforehand. This also applies if the design of your driveway cannot control the rainwater from running into the road and drainage systems. It's less than five square metres in size or The material is permeable or The materials are laid so rainwater discharges onto a lawn or flower bed for natural drainage or You have installed a working soakaway and drainage channel If you cannot meet at least one of the above criteria, you will need to apply for planning permission. The legislation was created to prevent flash floods caused by excessive paving and inadequate natural drainage in many front gardens. Permeable pavement Permeable paving provides an ideal option for an entirely sustainable driveway without any further drainage or requiring planning permissions. The pavement is intended to enable rain water to enter the earth without overload in streets, thus decreasing flooding risks. A variety of designs are available to suit each property. Below is one example of the permeable paving we offer. A popular choice for driveways is a combination of permeable block paving and permeable aggregates ; these look almost identical to standard block paving – and they also help you bypass applications for block paving planning permission. If rainwater drains naturally. If your driveway slopes towards a drainage ditch or flows into your garden/grass, you shouldn't need to worry about planning permission. Applying for planning permission for your driveway In England, you will need to contact your ‘Local Planning Authority' (LPA). Do you need planning permission to turn your front garden into a driveway? A new surface can be installed directly behind a house without planning authorization if a driveway is under 5 meter. The small front garden will suffice if we have two paved tracks for the wheels of the vehicles. The longer the driveway, the easier it is if you put in a permeable surface, e.g. gravel, permeable concrete block paving or porous pavement. Planning Permission for Driveways: What you need to know The demand for permission to construct an entranceway is now more prevalent than ever. Parking in public areas is a burden that affects most people mainly those who live in dense urban areas. However you cannot always guarantee a parking spot outside a home therefore a driveway will be an ideal option. In an increasingly electric automobile-oriented market electric vehicle designs have become increasingly popular. For homebuyers, acquiring proper permissions is important to get an efficient installation of driveways without any delays. Permeable pavement Permeable paving provides an ideal option for an entirely sustainable driveway without any further drainage or requiring planning permissions. The pavement is intended to enable rain water to enter the earth without overload in streets, thus decreasing flooding risks. A variety of designs are available to suit each property. Below is one example of the permeable paving we offer. Drivesett® Tegula® Priora® takes on the classic aesthetic which is focused on managing heavy rainfall sustainably. Driveway drainage There's a lot of choices for domestic drainage so a professional installer such as Marshall's Register Members can help you choose a good option. Driveline® drains was developed in our belief that our customers should be able to access their water efficiently.
A red brick house with a white garage door and freshly laid black tarmac drive.
By Tommy Bonnet 24 Oct, 2022
The driveway in your house is one of the most neglected aspects, as if building or upgrading a house weren't difficult enough. One of the most important first impressions a visitor or potential buyer will have of your house is the driveway. We all understand the value of first impressions and curb appeal, so it only makes sense to pick the best driveway material for your property and your budget. Many people neglect showcasing an attractive home in new construction as they move into new homes. Run down driveways may negatively affect your property’s value. It looks just as ugly as it sounds. It is insufficient to merely advise you to select the surface type you believe will look finest. This is due to the fact that there are a lot of other elements to take into account before selecting the ideal kind of driveway surface. Before making a choice, factors including the budget, drainage, and practicality should all be taken into account. We hope that after reading this post, you will be better equipped to make a choice that guarantees you obtain the driveway of your dreams. A new drive offers numerous advantages and is likely to transform and significantly increase the value of any house, no matter how big or little. What are the key factors that you need to consider before installing a driveway? What Fits Your Property the Best. You'll definitely lean toward stone or brick if you're wanting to build a unified, premium front that raises the curb appeal of your property. Gravel or concrete will do if utility is your first objective. Before you settle for a specific driveway surface, consider how aesthetically pleasing it is and a design that will increase your property's value. A good or well-built paving should complement the colour and theme of your building. The surface will be visually pleasing and increase the value of your house. Your Unique Tastes Pay attention to your creative side. Don't allow someone persuade you out of spending more money on something that speaks to you if you're willing to do so. In the same vein, resist the urge to buy an expensive paving alternative out of conceit or insecurity when a more cost-effective replacement will suffice. Consider your Budget. Asphalt driveways, concrete driveways, and block paving stones are the most expensive, while aggregate (gravel) is the least expensive. Gravel driveways is the finest option if you're installing your driveway on a tight budget. You'll have more options if you have greater flexibility. Determine the size of your driveway. Before starting your job, mark off the precise location and bounds of your driveway. Make sure there is plenty space for a regular passenger car and that it is wide enough. Consider any unusual shapes, such as a turnaround or an outside parking lot, when calculating the dimensions. Legalisation. Make sure the authorities have approved your new driveway before investing any money in it. Exclusive municipalities frequently impose strict regulations on home modifications. Homeowners' associations can be even less understanding, outright forbidding particular substances or hues. Maintenance costs. How much are you willing to spend on driveway upkeep in terms of time, money, and effort? The recommended upkeep varies greatly depending on the material. For example, gravel is simple and inexpensive to maintain, whereas asphalt needs consistent care every few years. Geography and climate also have a role; asphalt doesn't withstand repeated freezing and thawing very well, while gravel is vulnerable to erosion in heavy downpours and is difficult to maintain throughout the winter. The weather in the UK should guide you to choose the best driveway materials. Choose a driveway type that you feel suits your paving needs and preferences. And here are key considerations to settle for. If you are planning to reconstruct and repair your driveway, here are the list of driveway surfacing you can choose from. There's a lot of factors to take into consideration, and you'll need to carefully consider your options in order to choose the right driveway to meet your exact requirements. To help you out, we've got a few insights to help you make an informed decision. Block paving driveways. Block paving has turned into one of the most popular surface options over the last few years. This is mainly down to the wide range of block choices there is available. They can be laid in an exciting way to make your driveway stand out from others. A further benefit that block paving has, is its longevity, which can often beat even tarmac driveways. It can also be easily repaired, and look just as good! Unfortunately, a block paved driveway is also one of the more expensive options . It takes a lot of time and care to complete this type of driveway, and the sub-base needs to be leveled properly. One of the major drawbacks of installing A further benefit that block paving has, is its longevity, which can often beat even tarmac driveways. It can also be easily repaired, and look just as good! One of the major drawbacks of installing block paving on your driveway, is the time and cost. This is because block paving involves hand selecting a range of blocks, and then levelling the ground in order to create the best effect – a time consuming effort. However, if you have the means, block paving can be one of the most visually enhancing driveways for any home.paving on your driveway, is the time and cost. This is because block paving involves hand selecting a range of blocks, and then levelling the ground in order to create the best effect – a time consuming effort. However, if you have the means, block paving can be one of the most visually enhancing driveways for any home. Resin bound driveways can offer you a range of benefits. Such as the fact they can immediately provide your home with a more modernised aesthetic, which really enhanced the appearance of your overall property. To start with, having a resin driveway can immediately modernise your home and enhance the appearance of any house. A major benefit of resin bound driveways is that there are completely permeable. Because you won't need to install additional drainage, sometimes the cost becomes more in line with block paving, as installing drainage can often be an expensive endeavour.This type of driveway surface can come in a variety of colours and blends, meaning you can customise it to fit your landscaping perfectly and bring out the best of your home. If you choose resin bound, you'll also discover that there will be no drainage problems with this surface option. This driveway type is also relatively cost effective, quick to install, and is very low maintenance. If you're considering this surface option, remember that the type of resin you need can vary depending on what you're after. Resin is very durable, so it will be a good fit unless your driveway has large or heavy vehicles frequently accessing it. Concrete Driveways Because it is so durable and requires little upkeep, concrete is a common material for driveway construction. With the recent increase in industrial interiors, which are subsequently complimented by an industrial exterior like a concrete driveway, it is also a common choice. This type of driveway does have certain drawbacks, such as the necessity for a sealant because concrete is susceptible to cold damage and is not stain-resistant for oils.Drainage also needs to be taken into consideration as concrete is only porous, not permeable. Concrete is one of the cost-effective driveway materials, easy and quick to install. The clean look of your concrete driveway partnered with design and colour customisation makes it appealing and low maintenance. Gravel driveway is made from a mix of rock, clay, and sand. It's a low-cost option and can last for a lifetime with proper maintenance. Your driveway will give your home a natural look and a real curb appeal. Advantages of a gravel driveway Cost-effective: Cost is often an important factor when it comes deciding what type of driveway to opt for. Gravel driveways are relatively cheap to install, however, the upkeep and maintenance of a gravel driveway are often where the costs begin to pile up compared to other low-maintenance alternatives. Asphalt driveways are probably more frequently recognised as tarmac driveways, however, this is actually a trademark name of the Tarmac Company. Asphalt is another popular choice when it comes to installing a new driveway. A tarmac or asphalt driveway is one of the most used driveway materials in the UK. It costs less per square meter than the other driveways on this list, is simple to build, and is best for large driveways. The tarmac driveway is an excellent solution for those with small or awkwardly shaped driveways. However, this form of surface has a disadvantage in that it isn't as robust as other types, which might result in cracks over time if it isn't maintained properly. One of the drawbacks of installing a tarmac driveway is the maintenance that comes with it. If not properly maintained, it can lead to cracked surfaces and poor drainage – however if installed properly, this shouldn't become an issue. Other outstanding types of driveways include resin bound driveways, brick pavers driveways, cobblestone driveways, and tarmac driveways. Durable driveway. A sturdy driveway can be sloped in a specific way to stop rainwater from entering the foundation of your building. Significantly, a properly laid out driveway will last for many years and keep dirt out of your house. A textured aggregate or concrete driveway does not need watering, mowing, or constant care. If you have a small driveway, or one that is awkwardly shaped however, tarmac could be an issue. One of the drawbacks of installing a tarmac driveway is the maintenance that comes with it.
A large brick house with a driveway leading to it is surrounded by trees and bushes.
By Tommy Bonnet 17 Oct, 2022
We're thinking about gardening as the weather gets warmer. It's a satisfying and enjoyable hobby that also has certain health advantages, including as reducing stress, boosting physical activity, and warding off dementia. Not to mention that your labor of love rewards you with fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers (for a fraction of the price that they would be at the store). Over 70% of adults reported spending more time gardening over the past few years, so we are not the only ones who enjoy it these days. The popularity of gardening also seems to be on the rise as we get closer to the 2022 growing season. Gardens are fast becoming a space where we are spending more and more of our time with family and friends. Often more than not it needs to flex to meet several purposes – an oasis for quiet contemplation, a play area for children and an entertaining space for social get togethers. Whether it's a set of Bi-fold doors to a balcony, or simply an outdoor patio, your home probably has an ideal place to style as a fifth room. With a little imagination there's an outdoor living room idea for all spaces. Everyone's experience with gardening can be unique, and it can change a little each year depending on a variety of factors, including your current living situation, the amount of area you have available, and if this is your first time planting. No matter how much gardening experience you have, it's always a good idea to try something new. The 2022 garden designs are listed below. Balcony and container gardens The inclusion of balcony gardens at this year's RHS Chelsea Flower Show is a clear indication of how our attitudes toward gardening have evolved through time. Balcony and container gardens are excellent ways to get a lot done with little area, demonstrating that you don't need a large garden to get into gardening. Vegetable lots Edible gardens, which continue the fruit and vegetable theme, were more well-liked than ever at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, but not in the conventional sense. We don't all necessarily have the area for a dedicated vegetable patch, just like with balcony gardens. Instead, we observed produce being arranged within and close to flowerbeds. Cabbages offer stunning winter color, and artichokes and courgettes produce lovely flowers. Herbs also count. In the summer, grow provencal herbs like thyme and rosemary alongside your lavender, and a hanging basket of pansies will not only bring color to your yard but also to your salad. Natural Resources This year, organic forms that celebrated both the natural and the recycled were in style, blurring the distinction between the created and the created. Both designs adhere closely to the current trend of natural gardens. Therefore, even if you might not be included constructions this enormous in your garden, consider doing so wherever natural or recycled materials are an option. For instance, choosing willow fencing and trellising over conventional fencing or using old railroad sleepers as planters. 'The fifth room' has never got more use than during the pandemic. Patio heaters sold out across the country, whilst online searches for fire pits went up by 309% back when the only place we could congregate was in our gardens. From al fresco dining to al fresco bathing, it seems entertaining outdoors is here to stay. Gardens with more flowerbeds and more biodiversity There is no doubt that people still want to spend a lot of time in their outside spaces when it comes to garden design trends. In the past year, more people have made the decision to abandon minimalist planting and add more flower beds, shrub sections, and raised vegetable beds to their yards. The creation of a wildlife-friendly garden is a fun and environmentally-friendly modification you can make to your space. There are various methods to create both little and large adjustments, which is wonderful news for biodiversity. The combinations of brushed limestones or textured sandstones brings extra dimensions to your garden. A simple yet effective design plan is to stick to one stone type and vary the forms and finishes. Japandi Japandi has already made its mark in the interior world but is set to take over the garden trends in summer 2022. Teaming polished Scandinavian functionality with soothing Japanese creates an uncluttered yet calming finish to your outdoor space. The blend of function and form come together with the pairing of natural materials and high-quality furniture. People also continue to ask for low maintenance front gardens; in general, they want the time they spend pruning and mowing to be within their private outdoor space rather than at the front. Think designs full of personality and charm, with a thought for our changing climate always in the foreground, always. With sales of garden furniture, barbecues and accessories expected to grow substantially in 2022. Outdoor entertaining and kitchen areas will be a key trend for modern gardens. Perfect for those of us who lack space in our kitchens or dining rooms. This allows us to move entertaining friends and family outside. The second most popular garden trend right now is urban gardening, this trend is very popular on social media. There are 1.99 million urban gardening Instagram posts, and a further 25.1 million views on TikTok. As lots of people living in big cities have less garden space, urban gardening is a great way to take advantage of what outdoor space is available. 3 – Pergolas, garden trend score of 01892 620651: Last year Pergolas were the most popular garden trend, but this year they have slipped to third place with a score of 0.81 lower than the highest-ranking trend. The third most popular garden trend on Instagram has nowhere near the number of posts that the two ahead of it do, however, there are still over 435,000 posts about rattan furniture. Rattan vines are woven together to create this light, comfy, and stylish garden furniture. Most popular garden trends on TikTok 1 – Fire Pit, 355,500,000 TikTok views: Fire Pits are by far the most viewed garden trend on TikTok, videos featuring the pits have been viewed an incredible 355.5 million times. The key with cottage style gardens is to eliminate straight lines in place of more organic curves in your design and incorporating natural materials like brick, slate and rustic wood to take centre stage. Planting flowering plants in varying heights will create a romantic garden that you'll want to gaze into all summer long. Repeat flowering plants such as alstromeria, cosmos, dahlias, and zinnia will be favoured for their ease of growing and reliability during the summer months, while sea lavender and everlasting flower serve as dried decoration for winter displays. 'Plants and flowers add depth and texture to your garden. Select a mix of flowering plants such as busy lizzies and pollinators, like lavender, as they can also benefit the wildlife in your garden.' 'Lavender, a beautifully fragrant pollinator, attracts bees and butterflies, breathing life into your garden. Make sure your growing space has a plentiful supply of sunlight. When it comes to planting, Ana Sanchez-Martin is trialling alternative growing mediums and substrates in difficult soils, such as heavy clay. She says, 'Instead of importing tons of organic matter or man-made topsoils, as recommended for decades, new research shows that growing plants in 30cm of coarse sand or on crushed concrete and brick with just with 50mm topsoil, in combination with appropriate plant selection, can yield great results. It's a very exciting approach which feels both sustainable and practical.” The pandemic has clearly changed our way of thinking, our approach and priorities. There's a surge to take gardens back to a more natural state. This is a continuing trend, after lots of garden designers experimented with wildflower and perennial meadows last year. The good news is you don't need a large plot to incorporate one into your garden. Luxury garden sanctuary The pandemic has seen more UK stay-cations and as a result, the focus has turned to having the luxuries that you might ordinarily go away to enjoy, incorporated into your garden instead. Fi Boyle names pools, particularly natural swimming ponds, as one of these luxuries, while Ben Chandler says our gardens will 'continue to be personal sanctuaries and a kind of modern-day pleasure garden'. A garden room is always a luxury, and for those of us now mainly working from home, it's an invaluable opportunity to create some separation between our homes and our work – or workout – life. A garden room building is a stylish addition to your garden, an extension of your home interior and a way to improve your lifestyle. The need to mow a tapestry lawn can be reduced by up to two thirds compared to a regular grass lawn and, as a consequence, a greater number of both plant and insect species are able to inhabit the lawn. 'In small urban gardens, meadow lawns are not usually very practical, but a tapestry lawn could be a great solution for city gardens .' 2022 is all about celebrating our gardens as living, natural spaces that we share with wildlife. These are small (sometimes tiny) but crucial players in the fight against the effects of climate change and nodding to their habitats within our own approach to outdoor living is what this year is all about. Well-being benefits provide comfort in uncertain times and the extra time spent at home has enabled us to tend to our plants like never before, grow vegetables , fill plots with pollinator-friendly plants, and design outdoor living rooms that provide a place to retreat. An overarching theme in 2022 will be a renewed emphasis on planet-friendly gardening, as gardeners seek to adopt new habits that can impact the planet positively, from an increased demand for pollinator-friendly plants to demand for peat-free compost . For 2022 this garden trend will largely extended to our outdoor living spaces. This trend is spurred by a desire to garden for both physical and mental health benefits. Which of these garden trends will you be incorporating into your outdoor space? The Society of Garden Designers has been championing excellence in garden design for over 35 years. A great thing about gardens is that they are easily changed to suit a new purpose, or just to give them a fresh look. Whether you are organically growing or removing plant life or installing man-made features and products such as outdoor tiles , designing the perfect garden is a lot of fun. Last year we presented the Garden Trends Index , which offered an insight into the popular garden trends coming out of lockdown. Outdoor tiles can give a patio area a more interesting look, whilst garden rugs can be used to furnish a bare floor area, just as they do indoors. A popular design idea is to use a grey patio to create a smooth transition between outside and in, perfect if your house has bi-fold or patio doors. There is still a growing trend for patterned paving and outdoor tiles for people looking for modern garden ideas and ways to create a stylish garden . Porcelain is available in several different patterns and finishes such as corten and terrazzo; recent garden designs have used these for step risers, underneath seating areas and even outdoor dance-floors. What's trending in gardening? Spending more time at home over the last 18 months means the search for style inspiration for outdoor living has never been greater. Chelsea Gold Medal winning design duo Harris Bugg says: ‘Making spaces work harder for longer seasonal use is the current garden trend and that goes hand in hand with the planting and how we keep visual interest going through the seasons. A fast growing garden trend right now is anything sustainable – including upcycling ideas . I love upcycling existing elements within a garden rather than adding to landfill, says Ana Sanchez-Martin. 'Last year I managed to save a beautiful old Victorian greenhouse working with a wonderful craftsman who helped me repurpose it and give it a new lease of life. Patchwork Terraces Large terraces without foliage are less common these days due to the popularity of plants. This trend will see plants woven in between paving and large areas of stone to soften the visual look and add an extra amount of greenery to your garden. Trends in garden design and popular garden features More flower beds and biodiversity in gardens When it comes to garden design trends, it's clear that people still want to spend plenty of time in their outdoor spaces. In the past year, more people have chosen to move away from minimalist planting and bring in more flower beds and shrubbed areas to their spaces, including raised beds for growing vegetables. Whether you want to grow your own vegetables, dine alfresco or enjoy the many health and wellness benefits of spending time in the great outdoors, these of-the-moment garden ideas will bring your space up to date. Garden trends 2022 Gardens mean something different to everyone, because no outdoor space is the same. For some it's a sanctuary to spend long balmy summer days relaxing, while others prefer pottering, planting and pruning at all times. If you've always wondered how to create a living wall , this is the year to finally try it. Much more natural-looking than solid fences, living walls are in keeping with the current backyard trends that maximize on all available space for plants – this includes the vertical space in your garden. And if you already have a garden wall or fence, this may be the year to cover it with rambling roses or disguise it with trees and shrubs. If you're serious about becoming more self-sufficient, a greenhouse can increase your yield of fresh fruit and veg all year round. If space isn't on your side, legumes (runner beans, broad beans, French beans and peas), squashes and pumpkins are a great option to make use of vertical space. Salad leaves, herbs and tomatoes grow well in boxes on balconies and patios. All costing a fraction of the supermarket price too. Ana Sanchez-Martin has seen a growing trend for what she calls the 'boutique hotel syndrome', revealing her clients are asking for elements they would usually enjoy on holidays: 'We have seen a marked increase in people requesting swimming pools, outdoor kitchens , fire pits , outdoor heaters and lighting.' This year's garden trends for planting schemes continues to focus on innovative displays of colour, fragrance and texture to create fully immersive spaces. 'Beautiful beds and blossoms form the backdrop to your outdoor space,' explains Christopher Ray, Category Manager for Outdoor at B&Q. Bringing the outdoors into our interiors through natural lighting and planting schemes will help create a calming environment. Biophilia – the basic human need to interact with nature – is the buzzword on everyone's radar, and what better space than a garden cabin flooded with natural light and bifold doors that connect to the garden to give the nature-hit we need.White backyard planting is still here in 2022, but it looks slightly different from last year's. Think delicate all-white planting schemes instead of all-white furniture and painted decks. White with natural accents is the on-trend look for this year. Use bricks and mortar Designer Henrietta Murray-Wicks has a love for bricks in the garden and has also enjoyed incorporating them into the garden I usually use brick walls with the stone borders which gives the look of carpeting on the floor, anchoring the area as well as furniture placed there. Bricks may also aid in accenting particular characteristics in a garden and provide an actual feel of movement while still using a uniform material palette overall. Butter Wakefield find it dull with rows of paved pavement and prefer smaller structures. Enhance nature Our gardens are long the refuge for our families, but in 2022 our gardeners put more emphasis than ever upon nature’s calming effects. In 2021 plants have become the top priority on designers' wish-list. 'rewilding' plays into'rewilded' - a movement whereby in various sizes a piece of land is re-turned into a natural environment where the animals provide water, food and shelter to all. Debbie Roberts of Acres Wild says the need for softer, more natural landscaping is becoming more prevalent. Befriending bees By 2020, it's likely that plants will attract bee- and butterfly-friendly insects to our parks to support the ecosystem. The Buddleja Berries & Cream are filled with cones and clusters of flowers that attract bees and butterflies. AnnMarie Powell always believes bold colours are purposeful. The colour combination of yellow and green is very appealing, and I love acid yellow and warm orange and deep blue-purple. The purple and yellow combination is something that enchanted me. Introduce a Mediterranean flavour to your backyard All garden designs should be constructed today and in the future in response to a drier winter and dry summer. The question has been raised about how much tree will survive over 50 years. Her Mediterranean gardens plan will be looking at different environments for the plants she chooses if they are Mediterranean. ‘I want to use more of the Mediterranean trees close to our native trees. Her next step is to use Mediterranean shrubs as a complement to succulents, grass and long plants. Kristina won an award for Design of the Environment. Stay true to your surroundings Chloe Humphreys MSGD said that our advice on designing would be to study and understand materials from the local area and use this as the basis of a proposal. It is common knowledge that these constraints result in better design and that challenges are very enjoyable. These generally help reduce the environmental emissions from your projects and make your gardens feel anchored to the environment in which you live. Chloé has won International Landscape Architecture & Gardens awards for her design House in the Wild - Falkenberg. Reimagining Balcony Gardens Making use of your outdoor space is an important trend for gardens in 2020 for practicality and productivity. In recent years, it's been significant to create bee-friendly gardens, despite supply chain challenges, more people were seeking to grow their own food and people with balcony had to make an innovative decision to fit everything in space, he added. "The space has been an obstacle to a successful Among those trends is stackable garden planting cascaded windows, hedging and cascading windows. When should I redesign my garden? While redesigning a room is ideal during winter when vegetation is dormant, looking at it summer will help you understand your use of your space better. And if a person wants to add some surface to a room, it is easy and affordable. What is the future of gardening? The survey shows 86% of homeowners plan on a future garden for 2021. Nearly half of the respondents had planted or expanded garden areas in recent weeks. All this growth and enthusiasm brings the need of encouragement.
A brick house with a gravel driveway in front of it.
By Tommy Bonnet 10 Oct, 2022
There's no single solution to decide the best way to make your new driveway comply with front garden legislation – it depends on a number of factors including the size of the plot, the aesthetic you're looking for and what you plan to park on your drive. Permeable paving is specially designed to allow water to soak through the surface, and into the ground below – therefore preventing rainwater from entering sewers without the need for any soft landscaping, drainage channels or soakaways. If you're interested in installing permeable paving for your driveway, keep reading to see what is permeable paving for driveways, the benefits porous material have, and a few options to choose from. What Is a Permeable Surface? You can define permeable as a material or membrane that allows liquids to pass through it. Permeable pavement can be made up of a series of plastic grids that are filled with materials such a limestone, gravel and sod to make a sturdy surface that allows moisture to soak into the ground naturally. There are benefits of a permeable driveway that should motivate you to settle on the best driveway for your home. They include; Easy Installation Permeable pavers don't require a lot of expertise to install. When installing this driveway design, you don't need expensive equipment like when installing concrete or asphalt driveways. Benefits of a Permeable Driveway Generally speaking, the benefits of installing a permeable driveway far outweigh any negatives. The natural drainage prevents puddles and stagnant water and allows rainwater to filter into the ground to remove pollutants and impurities. In areas that see excessive rainfall, permeable driveways can reduce the risk of flooding and protect your neighbourhood! A porous outdoor structure prevents the heat island effect of artificially warming the environment and, for the same reason, is one of the most environmentally friendly ways to finish an outdoor space. Permeable block paving looks like any other block-paved surface; it adds real class and kerb appeal to the front of your house. In addition, it's hard wearing and able to withstand the heaviest loads on the road. Permeable paving is specially designed to allow water to soak through the surface, and into the ground below Permeable block paving looks like any other block-paved surface; it adds real class and kerb appeal to the front of your house. In addition, it's hard wearing and able to withstand the heaviest loads on the road. Permeable paving is specially designed to allow water to soak through the surface, and into the ground below. Permeable paving is an excellent addition to a rain garden or other lawn area, designed to be eco-conscious and suited to rainwater harvesting. The Problems with Impermeable Driveway Options Impermeable surfaces, built from non-porous driveway material, can cause several problems and often require more maintenance than permeable surfaces. Non-permeable surfaces will hold water and rain until warmer temperatures allow for evaporation. The major advantage here, other than the obvious environmental benefits, is the fact that rain water is FREE and can save you huge amounts on mains water, particularly if you are on a metered supply. The reason for building a permeable driveway, rather than a traditional impermeable one, is to reduce the amount of excess water runoff that can overwhelming drainage systems. This is encouraged by the planning regulations. Hopefully you will see that there are good reasons for going down this route and now understand all the options for the different types of permeable driveways and porous hard surfaces. Driveways Installing a loose aggregate gravel driveway is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to ensure that your driveway surface is permeable. A gravel driveway complies with modern, sustainable urban drainage systems and produces a natural, porous surface that requires little maintenance or cleaning. The large gaps present between each individual piece of gravel create a natural drainage system that allows rainwater to safely make its way into the soil and ground beneath your driveway surface. Resin bound driveways are permeable and a great design that allows water to drain through it naturally. Interestingly, it is easy to install resin bound pavers, and you don't need planning permission. All you need is to site survey the area you want to install your driveway and make sure it is suitable for use. Resin driveway is one of the popular driveway types among many homeowners. Resin pavers help create stylish and beautiful driveways and stand out above other types of driveways. Resin bound driveways are permeable and a great design that allows water to drain through it naturally. Resin-bound surfacing is made from a blend of loose aggregate in which every piece has been coated with a clear polyurethane resin. In contrast, resin bonded surfacing is made by sprinkling loose aggregate onto a coat of resin. It is not permeable, must be laid on a non-porous asphalt or concrete base and will require the installation of an open soakaway (a large hole designed to soak up excess water) to adequately remove any rainwater from the driveway. A resin-bound surface has many benefits, including a smooth finish and no loose gravel, resulting in redistribution. Are driveway permeable pavers expensive to install? There's often a list of pros and cons that come with these answers, or at least a little explaining to do, but we've amassed a fair amount of knowledge during our time. From front gardens to flag paving, opting for a permeable sub-base and surface material provides many benefits for the homeowner and the environment in general. You will not need planning permission if a new or replacement driveway of any size uses permeable (or porous) surfacing which allows water to drain through, such as gravel, permeable concrete block paving or porous asphalt, or if the rainwater is directed to a lawn or border to drain naturally. If the surface to be covered is more than five square metres planning permission will be needed for laying traditional, impermeable driveways that do not provide for the water to run to a permeable area. The 3 common types of permeable pavement include: Traditional Concrete/Asphalt: The standard mix minus the fine particles which are left out to make it more porous. Plastic Pavers: The plastic grids have a honeycomb shape that allows vegetation, such as grass, to grow through the holes. he 3 common types of permeable pavement include: Traditional Concrete/Asphalt: The standard mix minus the fine particles which are left out to make it more porous. Plastic Pavers: The plastic grids have a honeycomb shape that allows vegetation, such as grass, to grow through the holes. Resin Bound Permeable Driveways - Benefits of Permeable Driveways Permeable Driveways in Resin — Benefits of Permissible Driveways. 51% 2 votes. When transforming a house it is important not to ignore the driveway and the permeable driveway. Many people spend many thousands renovating their houses but don't spend much on their driveways. Driveways are viewed most often by visitors to your home. Therefore, you need to spend as much money as necessary in your garage. If you plan on building a driveway in a house, you will have several different ideas. Is Permeable Paving for Driveways the Best? [Pros & Cons] People constantly look for new solutions that will increase sustainability. It can be done easily using permeably sealed driveway surfaces. Those types of pavement permit water to drain through them, preventing sludge from escaping through streets. It also supports groundwater resupply which is very good environmentally and economically. Plus, it is not necessary to have a permit from the city to install the driveways. Throughout our 15+ year experience in landscaping, our company often receives inquiries from people regarding permeable surfaces on roads. Are blocks of pavement impermeable? Do permeability driveways cost more? Are Resin Driveways Permeable? Resin-bound driveways are permeable, but a resin bonded surface is not. Resin-bound surfacing is made from a blend of loose aggregate in which every piece has been coated with a clear polyurethane resin. The contractors that you opt to work with should also have a clear understanding of the material that works best with resin driveways. Final Thoughts If you are looking forward to reviving your driveway, the permeable resin is the best option to go for. Resin driveways are a true environment solution and will last for many years if properly installed. They are also easy to install and come with the anti-slip technology and are completely safe to walk on. If you are looking for paving guidance and assistance there is no need to fret. Make sure the contractors that you choose are licensed and trained enough. The contractors that you opt to work with should also have a clear understanding of the material that works best with resin driveways. Final Thoughts If you are looking forward to reviving your driveway, the permeable resin is the best option to go for. Resin driveways are a true environment solution and will last for many years if properly installed. The legislation instead advises people who are changing their driveways to use drainage systems which manage the water on their own land, instead of directing it to shared sewers – effectively, using sustainable drainage systems to create eco-friendly driveways that don't create a flood hazard. Sustainable drainage systems (Suds) - it's one alternative to traditional piped systems of water drainage systems. Unlike a normal paver driveway installation, there is no sand installed on a permeable paver project. Installed using permeable pavers, this driveway installation helped this homeowner curb is issues of pooling water around his stairs and garage doors. he sustainable, environmentally-friendly design of permeable paving means you do not need planning permission for this kind of driveway installation on your front garden. The crushed stone will then be compacted before the permeable pavers are laid. Unlike a normal paver driveway installation, there is no sand installed on a permeable paver project. Installed using permeable pavers, this driveway installation helped this homeowner curb is issues of pooling water around his stairs and garage doors. Installed with small-rock like crush, water flows seamless through the joints back into the ground - allowing this client to have a water free driveway! This can result in permanent puddles, dangerous ice and stagnant water, all of which can damage your driveway or paved area and pose a risk of injury. Installing a non-permeable driveway will require planning permission from the council, which can often be a long and tedious process. Opting for a permeable pavement or driveway surface with an adequate drainage system completely removes this necessity. The choice of materials, styles and finishes for such hard standing surfaces is huge, with a finish sure to suit any tastes. Driveways and block paving installations made from permeable materials allow for rainwater harvesting and sustainable urban drainage systems, as well as preventing runoff water from pooling and causing damage to your driveway surface. A permeable surface is essential for a flat driveway. It can even allow homeowners to freely remove and re-install their driveway or block paving without applying for planning permission. All the runoff water should be channeled to them to be absorbed or removed, meaning that it does not end up in the drainage system. There's no single solution to decide the best way to make your new driveway comply with front garden legislation – it depends on a number of factors including the size of the plot, the aesthetic you're looking for and what you plan to park on your drive. You will not need planning permission if a new or replacement driveway of any size uses permeable (or porous) surfacing which allows water to drain through, such as gravel, permeable concrete block paving or porous asphalt, or if the rainwater is directed to a lawn or border to drain naturally. In contrast, resin bonded surfacing is made by sprinkling loose aggregate onto a coat of resin. It is not permeable, must be laid on a non-porous asphalt or concrete base and will require the installation of an open soakaway (a large hole designed to soak up excess water) to adequately remove any rainwater from the driveway. A resin-bound surface has many benefits, including a smooth finish and no loose gravel, resulting in redistribution. Easy Installation Permeable pavers don't require a lot of expertise to install. When installing this driveway design, you don't need expensive equipment like when installing concrete or asphalt driveways. You just need to clear the vegetation and grade the ground. At the base, you can install a layer of rock and then lay the grids making sure that they are properly trimmed. The good news is you won't require planning permission, which means you will save money and can get on with the job quickly. We hope this post has helped you decide which materials will work best for porous driveways. Porous Driveways are Built The driveway will need to be dug out and then built back up to the desired surface level. The depth you need to dig out the driveway does depend on the local conditions; if the soil is loose and will not provide a firm base you will need to dig out more to provide a deeper sub-base. Permeable pavement isn't ideal for building airport runways and highways. Stormwater Management There is another major benefit of installing permeable pavement — stormwater management . Permeable pavements help in managing stormwater efficiently by re-establishing a natural hydrologic balance and reducing the volume of runoff. It releases the precipitation slowly in the ground rather than letting it flow into storm drains, which is a huge wastage.
A large brick house with a gravel driveway in front of it.
By Tommy Bonnet 21 Sep, 2022
It's worth doing some research because the average overall cost of installing a new driveway on your property can be offset by the value it contributes. Check the home values and local permit costs in your postcode. Ask your estate agents for assistance as well, but in our experience, this is one of the few home renovations that, as long as it's properly-maintained, will always increase the value of your property. About our website, we offer a ton of information on setting up and maintaining driveways. The existing surface type is important because the ground will need to be prepared before a new driveway can be installed, and some surface types will be harder to prepare than others. What driveway surface is the most popular? One of the key decisions to make is what driveway type do you want. These are the most common options: Tarmac Resin bound Block paving Flagstone Gravel Pattern imprinted. Each type has its own proves and cons, I'd suggest taking a walk around and checking out what other people have and see how it looks. There are a huge range of options available when it comes to choosing the finish of your driveway, from block paving to concrete and asphalt. Some are much cheaper to have laid, but may require more maintenance in the long run. · Size Unsurprisingly, size will also affect the final price, with larger driveways requiring more materials and additional labour costs. How much value does a driveway add to a house? It all depends on location, space, kerb appeal and cost savings over time. Driveways, gravel driveways and block paving systems can all be massively appealing to family buyers and professionals looking for convenience. It definitely helps if your front garden looks nice and that you've kept your paved driveway clean and well-maintained It's almost never going to drop in price over time, provided that your driveway surface is of high quality and installed by a reliable contractor. In fact, prospective homeowners are likely to pay extra, even for something as basic as an asphalt driveway, just for the sake of convenience. Every year, more and more automobiles are registered in the UK (more than 40 million at the time of writing, total). It follows that drivers looking to purchase a property will probably want to find other places to save money on parking. Many potential purchasers aren't picky about tarmac driveways, resin driveway alternatives, finishing, etc. Your worth will only rise if it has a fundamental, sturdy, level surface and enough room for one or two cars. Look closely at the price of supplies and waste collection, expert labor, and any planning driveway material to pick from when determining the possible value increase to your home: Tarmac or Asphalt The most common type of driveway in the UK is probably tarmac (also known as tarmacadam). Tarmac is a less expensive driveway option that offers a smooth surface that is suitable for those walking and pushing strollers as well as cars. Tarmac driveways work well with a variety of home styles, both old and new. Even a colored tarmac driveway is an option if you want to give your new driveway more personality. If you have a driveway and are considering selling your house, you should take care to keep it in good condition. After all, first impressions matter, and since a driveway is the first thing guests see when they arrive at your house, you want it to be attractive. How much does a driveway raise the value of a home? The geographical location, the size of the driveway, and the driveway's surface type are just a few of the variables that can affect the answer to this question. Perhaps the strongest and most long-lasting form of new driveway that can be purchased. Heavy traffic can be handled by a driveway that has been installed properly. Without care, a decent driveway can last for 30 years or longer. Although previously among the most common, driveways have become less common in recent years. Be sure to factor in the expense of a new gravel driveway before starting a home renovation or property development project, and select finishes that will either contrast with or complement the design of the house and perhaps even its surroundings. Gravel driveway cost Gravel is one of the easiest driveway materials to install and may have a very nice appearance. Gravel driveways are also advantageous in terms of security. They are popular because, unlike tarmac or concrete, they are not permanent, allowing you to select a different driveway in the future. Without dropped kerbs, driveways. Driving over a footway without a fallen kerb is prohibited. Although fixing your driveway won't increase its worth, it will make it look better and draw more attention to your home. Driveways: Are They a Good Investment? Many purchasers won't purchase a property without a driveway, therefore they are unquestionably a wise investment. If you are considering which driveway surface to choose, resin bound is a great choice!
A black garage with a gray door and a gravel driveway
By Tommy A 17 Aug, 2022
If you're seeking to renovate your driveway, walkways, or open spaces, you might be thinking about them. What is Resin Bound? A forced action mixer is used to combine resin and aggregates to create Resin Bound, a surface solution. By doing so, a slurry is produced that may be troweled over a surface to produce a flat, smooth finish. What is Hot Tar and Chip? Seal chip, liquid asphalt and stone, chip and seal, and Macadam are additional names for tar and chip. It was developed as a more affordable substitute for asphalt for driveways and road work. Unlike plain gravel, this type of material has a more textured and firm surface because to the addition of hot liquid asphalt to crushed stone. To achieve this, hot asphalt is first poured upon a gravel base, followed by a layer of loose stones to create a more compact surface. Benefits of Resin Bound Color Themes You can choose from a number of colors for Resin Bound installations. However, Resin Bound offers an outstanding 24 color choices, including Midnight Moon, Slate Gray, Titanium, and Cappuccino. To make a huge entry to your home, you can use a range of colors to make wonderful patterns or forms. Our resins' resistance to UV light also ensures that your surface won't fade or change color over time. Permeable. Because the surface of a resin-bound structure is porous, water can naturally filter through it when it seeps through the sub-base and returns to the ground. This actively contributes to the prevention of floods and helps protect puddles on your driveway. Other Important Advantages The most important feature of Resin Bound is that it is weed resistant and has a completely seamless surface. As long as the pressure isn't too high and the temperature is cool to moderate, they can be cleaned with a pressure washer with ease. Benefits of Hot Tar & Chip Visually Stunning Impact Tar & Chip has a similar appearance to asphalt but is installed differently, including the adding of stone aggregate to hot bitumen. This gives you the ability to customize your surface with a choice of colors, which has a strong aesthetic impact. Anti-Slip Tar & Chip offers excellent traction and anti-slip properties, making it ideal for driveways, agricultural roads, and open areas like parking lots. It can also be incorporated into a wheelchair ramp because the surface offers stability and traction. Strong and durable These surfaces are durable and, depending on usage, can last from around 10 to 15 years thanks to the combination of asphalt and gravel. All of our Chip & Tar surfaces come with a 5-year warranty. MAINTENANCE: Resin Bound Maintenance and Repair Resin bound paving can be cleaned with a stiff brush after being swept of leaves, sand, soil, and other similar debris. The paving can be cleaned by hosing down the resin surface with clean water. Regular sweeping and washing are typically the only maintenance needed for resin-bound surfaces. Tar and Chip Maintenance and Repair The maintenance needed for tar-and-chip driveways is minimal. It doesn't require constant sealing, and little fissures usually mend on their own. Every ten years or so, the surface can be refreshed by applying additional hot bitumen and loose stone. Snowplows that exert too much pressure can scratch the rough surface of tar-and-chip asphalt. A shovel or snow blower might be preferable to a plow if you want to keep the blade slightly above the surface. APPEARANCE: Resin Bound Systems create a uniform, flat surface. Tar-and-chip is characterized with a rough texture, however, it offers more solidity compared to plain gravel. When the ground is wet or covered in snow, the rough texture aids in giving the foot a greater hold.
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